Rating the books I read in January and February

Riley Cornell
2 min readMar 9, 2021


The Goldfinch: One day I was at Half Price books and I could not decide what to read and my brother said the Goldfinch was a great book, so I bought it and could not put it down. It is one of the longer books I have read, but it is written so well. Although I really enjoyed this book the ending was not my favorite. Despite this I would still recommend this book. The Goldfinch is about a young boy named Theodore Decker and his life after his mothers death and a bombing. He deals with a pretty rough life and all the characters in the story are easy to follow. I would rate this book a 6/10 just because the ending lost me a little and I feel it was unnecessary and very drawn out.

The Nightingale: The Nightingale was suggested to me by a friend and I was very skeptical because I don’t normally read fictional period pieces. I was not sure what to expect but, after I finished the book I was astounded by the way it was written and the shocking twists you don’t see coming. This book is about a family that is very divided and focuses on 2 sisters who are very different and their viewpoints from being Christians in the time of Hitler and they see firsthand the awful effects this time encompassed. I would rate this book a 8/10 because it was amazing, but if you do read it make sure you have tissues close by.

And Then There Were None: I checked out And Then There were None from our school library and this book was not my favorite. I really enjoyed this book. The book is a mystery about 10 people called to an island mysteriously by a famous millionaire and slowly that start to get killed off based on a nursery rhyme that is perfectly in sync with their deaths. They are all strangers to each other and all are hiding a secret. It really draws you in and makes you curious. My only issue with this book — which is a personal issue — is that it was very hard for me to follow all 10 characters and their story lines, but besides this I enjoyed this book. I would rate it a 7/10.

