Audrey Hepburn Movies Ranked

Riley Cornell
2 min readMar 23, 2021


Audrey Hepburn is an actor born in 1929 and was a part of 31 movies. I have not watched all 31 of these movies yet, but I wanted to rank the top 3 of the ones I have watched and would suggest people to watch.

3. Breakfast at Tiffany's: Breakfast at Tiffany's is a very iconic movie and talked about widely. I would say this is Audrey’s most popular movie and it is good, but not my favorite movies of hers due to the stubbornness and audacity of her character. This movie follows a young girl named Holly who lives in New York and meets a man who is new to her apartment building. They talk and you find out he wants to be a writer and is dating an older woman, but Holly and him have a connection. This unfolds throughout the movie. I liked this movie, but feel it could have been better. Which is why I ranked it third.

2.Roman Holiday: Roman Holiday follows Audrey’s character Ann, a European princess who is overwhelmed by her schedule and decides to take the night off in Rome. After having an episode of panic her doctor gives her a sedative and she ends up leaving her princess life for the day and ends up on a park bench; due to the sedatives she is very tired and disoriented and she is picked up by an american journalist. This story is very fun and the ending surprised me. I really enjoyed watching it and would recommend this movie to lots of people.

1.Sabrina: Sabrina is my favorite of the Audrey Hepburn movies I have seen so far and it follows a chauffeur daughter named Sabrina whose father works for a very wealthy family. Sabina loves a boy in the family named David, but she never paid attention to her. This makes her very disappointed and she goes to Paris for 2 years to a cooking school. When she returns David finally notices her. Though David is in a relationship that was forced upon him by his brother who is the head of their family company. Their relationship is later threatened by David’s older brother Linus. Sabrina is a great story and has a great ending. I really enjoyed watching it and it was a very cute story.

