Audrey Hepburn Movies RankedAudrey Hepburn is an actor born in 1929 and was a part of 31 movies. I have not watched all 31 of these movies yet, but I wanted to rank…Mar 23, 2021Mar 23, 2021
Impact of Sugar on the Human BodySugar is the ultimate and most popular reward in today’s culture. You get an A on your test, get an ice cream. You fail your test, eat…Mar 20, 20211Mar 20, 20211
Rating the books I read in January and FebruaryThe Goldfinch: One day I was at Half Price books and I could not decide what to read and my brother said the Goldfinch was a great book…Mar 9, 2021Mar 9, 2021
What Does it Take to36 on the ACT?A 36 on the ACT is very hard to achieve and almost unheard of in many schools. Only one in every 735 kids in 2017 — .334% of test takers —…Mar 5, 2021Mar 5, 2021
Why I Dislike Social MediaSocial media is very popular and convinent, virtually everyone uses it.Feb 8, 2021Feb 8, 2021
Published inRiley CornellFinding Motivation (Narrative/Memoir)Have you ever written a paper at 11:45 due a midnight even though you had plenty of time to complete it and you kept putting off until it…Jan 28, 2021Jan 28, 2021
Published inRiley CornellWhy are Stradivarius Violins so Expensive? (Research)Stradivarius violins are the most expensive and luxurious violins in the world. They can sell anywhere from 2–16 million dollars. They are…Jan 28, 2021Jan 28, 2021
Published inRiley CornellYou should listen to Classical Music, here's why…Classical music, when you hear the name the first thing that might come to your mind…boring. I am going to try and convince you why it is…Jan 22, 2021Jan 22, 2021
Published inRiley CornellWhy everyone should play chessChess is a game of strategy and sacrifices, thinking out every move you can make to eliminate your opponents pieces without sacrificing…Jan 13, 2021Jan 13, 2021
Published inRiley CornellMind Palaces and their many benefits(Informative)The idea of a mind palace was brought to my attention when I was watching BBC’s Sherlock about the detective Sherlock Homes who uses a…Jan 11, 2021Jan 11, 2021